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Recommended Cyber Security Practices - Strength and Security

Strength and Security


Login Protection

Secure Login Your Account Best Practices

Recommended Cyber Security Practices

IBKR goes to great lengths to keep our clients' accounts secure. Following these Recommended Cyber Security Practices can provide another layer of safety from online security threats.

Employ Safe Computing Practices

  • Lock your computer if you're leaving it for a period of time by setting up a password protected screensaver. Always turn off your computer when you have finished using it.
  • Avoid accessing your account from public computers which may have been targeted by hackers and keystroke-capture software. If you must use a public computer, remember the following:
    • Use the virtual keyboard on the login window to avoid having your keystrokes captured.
    • Log out after accessing your account.
    • Never leave the computer unattended while logged in.
    • Clear the browser cache after logoff so that no sensitive information remains stored on the computer.
  • Do not share files unless it's absolutely necessary. It's a smart idea to disable the Windows file and printer sharing features, but if you decide to use these, make sure that you configure the access permissions with strong passwords, and only share for specific users.
  • Pop-ups: We recommend that you turn on your pop-up blocker and set the filter to the highest possible level. Then either add the IBKR web site to your list of "trusted" sites, or disable your pop-up blocker while using this site.
  • Regularly check for security updates and patches for your operating system and use the most current version of your browser.
  • Use email safely, and delete messages that don't originate from a trusted source as they may contain harmful attachments or links, or may be an attempt to fraudulently obtain sensitive information. Turn off the "preview pane" in your email system as this function can allow some viruses to be executed even if you never open the email.

Create a Strong Password

  • Use the maximum characters available and avoid simple or duplicate alphabetic and numeric sequences or passwords containing personal information.
  • Do not share your password with anyone.
  • Change your password frequently and do not use the same password for multiple systems.
  • Do not leave notes on your monitor, keyboard or desk to help you remember your passwords.
  • Do not enable any application features that would automatically log you in or pre-fill the username or password fields.

Install Security Software

Use/install security tools as noted below:

  • You should install and properly configure a software Internet firewall on your computer to control the flow of traffic to your computer. It is a good idea to use a hardware firewall in addition to that. This is especially important if you are operating with a broadband connection and therefore maintaining continuous Internet access.
  • Use antivirus software to identify and eliminate viruses and other malware you may have downloaded to your computer accidentally. As new viruses are constantly being created, you need to update your antivirus software regularly.
  • Use anti-spyware software to detect and remove spyware programs which can collect various types of personal information, monitor your browsing activity and interfere with the control of your computer.

Monitor Your Account

  • Regularly check your account balances and positions through TWS and the daily statements available in Account Management. Immediately report anything suspicious toll free in the US at (877) 442-2757 or direct at (312) 542-6901.

Maintain Accurate Account Information

  • In the event that we detect unusual or suspicious activity relating to your account, being able to contact you is essential. Accordingly, you should always ensure that the contact information you have provided (e.g., telephone numbers, email address) remains accurate. To update your contact information, log in to our Client Portal or Account Management systems. From the main menu, select Settings User Settings and go to the Communication panel.