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A solution for endowments, foundations, pensions, family offices, funds of funds and other institutions who want to invest in hedge funds.
Interactive Brokers' Hedge Fund Marketplace is an online version of a traditional Capital Introduction program and is designed to allow Hedge Funds who use IBKR as their principal Prime Broker to market their Funds to IBKR clients who are Accredited Investors and Qualified Purchasers, as well as to other Hedge Funds who already market their funds to IBKR clients at the Hedge Fund Marketplace.
IBKR's Hedge Fund Marketplace includes performance information on participating hedge funds as well as disclosures concerning the risks of investing in hedge funds. Among other things, hedge funds may engage in speculative and/or leveraged investments, which may increase the risk of investment loss. Entities in the United Kingdom are not eligible for Hedge Fund Allocator accounts at this time.