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IBKR GlobalAnalyst

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IBKR GlobalAnalyst

Scan the World for Investment Opportunities

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By comparing the prices and financial metrics of global stocks in the same currency, World Data Screener helps you identify new investment opportunities.

Search for stocks by region, country, industry, market cap and currency to find undervalued stocks worldwide. The results show the current market price and various financial metrics, including the P/E/G Ratio.

Start searching below by using the filters to select your region/country, asset class, industry, market cap and currency. If you already have a short list of companies, click Companies to enter up to 25 symbols.

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Using IBKR GlobalAnalyst

IBKR GlobalAnalyst video

Learn step-by-step how to screen for stocks around the world using our IBKR GlobalAnalyst tool.
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World Map Screener:

IBKR provides the World Map Screener tool for informational purposes only. It is factual in nature and not intended as a recommendation that you buy or sell any securities or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Rather, it is a tool that scores and ranks securities based on your preferences according to a formula developed by IBKR that weighs criteria determined by you. Scoring information helps rank securities based on your preferences and is not intended to have any correlation to investment performance. For more information on World Map Screener and how securities are scored and ranked, please review our White Paper.

World Data Screener:

IMPORTANT: Corporate data is provided by third-parties, and Interactive Brokers makes no warranties as to the accuracy of that data. You should do your own due diligence prior to relying on any such data displayed in IBKR GlobalAnalyst - World Data Screener.

Source: Thomson Reuters Refinitiv

*Data is delayed by at least 15 minutes. For source and exact delays see Delayed Market Data Timing. Data is provided “as is” and meant for informational purposes only.

It is prohibited to store, reproduce, display, modify, transmit, create commercial and/or derivative products, or distribute the Data without prior permission of the Data Source. Fundamental data is provided by third-parties, and Interactive Brokers makes no warranties as to the accuracy of that data. You should do your own due diligence prior to relying on any such data displayed in IBKR GlobalAnalyst - World Data Screener.

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