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There are two margin definitions. Securities margin is borrowing money to buy stock.
However, when you invest in commodities, trading on margin involves putting in your own cash as collateral for the contract.
Trading securities on margin is most commonly understood as borrowing money from a broker to buy stock.
How much cash you must deposit to buy securities on margin.
How much equity you must keep in your margin account.
Stock Price (USD)
Margin/Cash Ratio
Daily Mark-to-Market
Rules based margin requirements are created from a defined formula and governed by Regulation T, FINRA Rule 4210, and IBKR house requirements.
Risk based margin requirements are assessed by profiling the risk of the positions in your account in accordance with OCC requirements. For advanced traders only.
View your margin balances and requirements in the TWS Account Window in real-time.
Shows your projected margin balances before entering an order.
Receive warnings and set alerts that tell you when your margin requirements are at risk.