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What You Need for the Application

What You Need - Application

In addition to your name, address and phone number, you will need the following information to complete the Broker Account Application:

Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Corporation and Unincorporated Business
  • SEC ID number, FINRA Market Participant ID for OATS reporting, NFA ID number as appropriate;
  • Exchanges of which you are a member;
  • Estimated number of retail and institutional customer accounts;
  • Estimated total customer debits and credits, expressed in US dollars;
  • Your Tax Identification Number;
  • Social Security Number or ID number if not US (Driver's License, Alien Identification Card, Passport or National Identity Card);
  • Controlling Officer name, address, phone number, US Social Security Number if US or ID number if not a US citizen (Driver's License, Alien Identification Card, Passport or National Identity Card).
  • Estimated Net Worth (excluding value of residence).
  • Estimated Liquid Net Worth (excluding value of residence);
  • Annual Net Income;
  • Total Assets;
  • Bank or third-party broker account numbers for funding purposes, plus routing number for check deposits.

For each 10% or greater shareholder:

  • Name;
  • Date of birth;
  • Address;
  • Phone;
  • Country of citizenship or formation if entity;
  • US Social Security Number or ID number if not a US citizen (Driver's License, Alien Identification Card, Passport or National Identity Card).

What You Need - Documents

In addition to the information that you will need to complete the Broker account application, you will be asked to provide the documents listed below.

Broker Applicants
Document Category Acceptable Documents (only one document per category is needed)
Proof of the firm's existence
The document must clearly state the name of your firm.
  • Articles of Incorporation;
  • Company Charter;
  • Partnership Agreement;
  • Government-issued business license;
  • Government-issued Certificate of Good Standing from the Jurisdiction of Incorporation.
Proof of your firm's address
The document must clearly list the customer name and the address being verified.
  • Mortgage Statement, Deed or Other Evidence of Property;
  • Current Lease;
  • Utility Bill (less than 12 months old);
  • Current Driver’s License
    • But if you used driver’s license as proof of identity, then we are required to obtain a second, different document for proof of address (i.e., driver’s license cannot be used again);
  • Bank Statement, Bank-Issued Credit Card Statement or Bank-Issued Debit Card Statement or Signed Letter from Bank on Bank Letterhead Confirming Address
    • Customer and bank must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Brokerage Statement from a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer or Foreign Affiliate of a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer
    • Customer must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Current Homeowner’s or Renter’s Policy Documents or Riders
    • Policy must be currently in effect;
  • Bill for Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance Policy (less than 12 months old);
  • Security System Bill/Statement (less than 12 months old);
  • Government-Issued Letters or Statements Establishing Current Address (less than 12 months old). For example::
    • Tax Letters and notices;
    • Letters or notices from government housing authorities;
    • Jury duty notices;
    • Voter registration notices;
    • Other official government letters or notices showing customer name and address being verified.
Proof of your firm's tax or other government-issued identification number
  • U.S. or Other Government Tax Form· Financial Statement;
  • Other Government-issued Document.
Financial Statements
  • The firm's most recent audited financial statement. If your firm is not required to have audited financial statements, you may provide unaudited statements.
Regulatory Financial Reports
  • If you are a U.S. broker, the firm's FOCUS report for each of the past 12 months;
  • If you are a non-U.S. broker, other required monthly financial reports. If you are a non-U.S. broker and you are not required to file monthly financial reports, provide a statement to this effect on firm letterhead signed by an officer of the company.
Firm Disciplinary History
  • A copy of the disciplinary history of the firm and its officers, including any enforcement actions, disciplinary proceedings or other regulatory actions, proceedings or settlements involving the firm and its officers;
  • If the firm has no disciplinary history, you may provide a signed statement on the firm's letterhead and signed by an officer of the firm stating that neither the firm nor its officers have ever been subject to any disciplinary history or enforcement proceeding of any kind.
Proof of the identity of each individual or entity that is a 10% Owner
  • If the owner is an individual, a copy of the person's passport, driver's license, national identity card or alien identification card;
  • If the owner is an entity, the entity's articles of incorporation company charter, partnership agreement, government-issued business license or government-issued certificate of good standing.
Proof of the address of each 10% Owner
  • Mortgage Statement, Deed or Other Evidence of Property;
  • Current Lease;
  • Utility Bill (less than 12 months old);
  • Current Driver’s License
    • But if you used driver’s license as proof of identity, then we are required to obtain a second, different document for proof of address (i.e., driver’s license cannot be used again);
  • Bank Statement, Bank-Issued Credit Card Statement or Bank-Issued Debit Card Statement or Signed Letter from Bank on Bank Letterhead Confirming Address
    • Customer and bank must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Brokerage Statement from a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer or Foreign Affiliate of a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer
    • Customer must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Current Homeowner’s or Renter’s Policy Documents or Riders
    • Policy must be currently in effect;
  • Bill for Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance Policy (less than 12 months old);
  • Security System Bill/Statement (less than 12 months old); or
  • Government-Issued Letters or Statements Establishing Current Address (less than 12 months old). For example:
    • Tax Letters and notices;
    • Letters or notices from government housing authorities;
    • Jury duty notices;
    • Voter registration notices;
    • Other official government letters or notices showing customer name and address being verified.

FCM Applicants
Document Category Acceptable Documents (only one document per category is needed)
Proof of the firm's existence
The document must clearly state the name of your firm
  • Articles of Incorporation;
  • Company Charter;
  • Partnership Agreement;
  • business license;
  • Certificate of Good Standing from the Jurisdiction of Incorporation;
  • Business Registration;
  • Regulatory Registration License.
Proof of your firm's address
The document must clearly state your firm's principal place of business
  • Mortgage Statement, Deed or Other Evidence of Property;
  • Current Lease;
  • Utility Bill (less than 12 months old);
  • Current Driver’s License
    • But if you used driver’s license as proof of identity, then we are required to obtain a second, different document for proof of address (i.e., driver’s license cannot be used again);
  • Bank Statement, Bank-Issued Credit Card Statement or Bank-Issued Debit Card Statement or Signed Letter from Bank on Bank Letterhead Confirming Address
    • Customer and bank must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Brokerage Statement from a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer or Foreign Affiliate of a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer
    • Customer must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Current Homeowner’s or Renter’s Policy Documents or Riders
    • Policy must be currently in effect;
  • Bill for Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance Policy (less than 12 months old);
  • Security System Bill/Statement (less than 12 months old); or
  • Government-Issued Letters or Statements Establishing Current Address (less than 12 months old). For example:
    • Tax Letters and notices;
    • Letters or notices from government housing authorities;
    • Jury duty notices;
    • Voter registration notices;
    • Other official government letters or notices showing customer name and address being verified.
Proof of your firm's tax or other government-issued identification number
  • U.S. or Other Government Tax Form· Financial Statement;
  • Financial Statement;
  • Other Government-issued Document.

Note: The ID provided in any of the above documents should match the ID given on your online application. Companies that do not have a tax ID can use their business registration number.

Financial Statements
  • The firm's most recent audited financial statement. If your firm is not required to have audited financial statements, you may provide unaudited statements.
Regulatory Financial Reports
  • If you are a non-U.S. broker, provide monthly financial reports as required by the legislation of your country of operation. If you are not obligated to file monthly financial reports, provide a statement to this effect, on firm letterhead, signed by an officer of the company;
  • If you do not want access to US Stocks, then you only need to submit ONE monthly financial report. This report should be recent and cover one of the last preceding three months.
Firm Disciplinary History
  • A copy of the disciplinary history of the firm and its officers, including any enforcement actions, disciplinary proceedings or other regulatory actions, proceedings or settlements involving the firm and its officers;
  • If the firm has no disciplinary history, you may provide a signed statement stating that neither the firm nor its officers have ever been subject to any disciplinary action or enforcement proceeding of any kind. This statement must be on the firm's letterhead and signed by an officer of the firm.
Proof of the identity of each individual or entity that is a 10% Owner
  • If the owner is an individual, provide a copy of the person's passport, driver's license, national identity card or alien identification card. It should be photographic and ideally include a signature;
  • If the owner is an entity, the entity's articles of incorporation company charter, partnership agreement, government-issued business license or government-issued certificate of good standing;
  • If the owner is a listed company then no proof of identity is required.
Proof of the address of each 10% Owner
  • Mortgage Statement, Deed or Other Evidence of Property;
  • Current Lease;
  • Utility Bill (less than 12 months old);
  • Current Driver’s License
    • But if you used driver’s license as proof of identity, then we are required to obtain a second, different document for proof of address (i.e., driver’s license cannot be used again);
  • Bank Statement, Bank-Issued Credit Card Statement or Bank-Issued Debit Card Statement or Signed Letter from Bank on Bank Letterhead Confirming Address
    • Customer and bank must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Brokerage Statement from a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer or Foreign Affiliate of a U.S.-Registered Broker Dealer
    • Customer must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (see;
    • Statement must be less than 12 months old;
  • Current Homeowner’s or Renter’s Policy Documents or Riders
    • Policy must be currently in effect;
  • Bill for Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance Policy (less than 12 months old);
  • Security System Bill/Statement (less than 12 months old); or
  • Government-Issued Letters or Statements Establishing Current Address (less than 12 months old). For example:
    • Tax Letters and notices;
    • Letters or notices from government housing authorities;
    • Jury duty notices;
    • Voter registration notices;
    • Other official government letters or notices showing customer name and address being verified.

What You Need - Funding

You can fund your account in any of the following currencies, regardless of which base currency you select:

  • Australian Dollar
  • British Pound
  • Canadian Dollar
  • Chinese Offshore Renminbi
  • Czech Koruna
  • Danish Krone
  • Euro
  • Hong Kong Dollar
  • Hungarian Forint
  • Indian Rupee (Available to customers with Interactive Brokers (India) Pvt. Ltd. accounts only)
  • Israeli Shekel
  • Japanese Yen
  • Mexican Peso
  • Norwegian Krone
  • New Zealand Dollar
  • Polish Zloty
  • Singapore Dollar
  • Swedish Krona
  • Swiss Franc
  • United States Dollar

During the funding step in the account application, you will need to provide us with additional information, which varies depending on the funding method you choose.

Funding Method What You Need
Deposit Notifications: Notifications only and do not actually transfer money or positions. If you select one of these deposit methods, you are responsible for initiating the actual transfer of funds.
Wire Transfer
  • Amount of intended deposit;
  • Bank Name;
  • Bank Account Number (optional).
Bank ACH Transfer from Your Bank
  • Amount of intended deposit;
  • Bank Name.
  • Amount of intended deposit;
  • Check Number;
  • Bank Routing Number;
  • Bank Account Number.
Online Bill Payment
  • Amount of intended deposit;
  • Bank Name.
Free of Payment (FOP)
  • Name of Third-Party Bank or Broker;
  • Third-Party Bank or Broker Account Number;
  • Symbol, Number of Shares, and Exchange (optional) of each Stock to transfer;
  • Symbol, Number of Shares, Strike (optional), Put/Call (optional), and Expiration Date (optional) of each Warrant to transfer;
  • CUSIP Number and Aggregate Face Value of each US Bond to transfer.
Instruct IB to contact your bank or broker to transfer funds and/or assets: If you select one of these methods, money and and/or positions are actually transferred.
Automatic Bank ACH Transfer
  • Bank Account Number;
  • Bank Account Type (Checking or Savings);
  • Bank's 9-digit routing number.
Automated Customer Account Transfer Service
  • Name of Third-Party Bank or Broker;
  • Third-Party Bank or Broker Account Number.

In addition, for partial ACATS transfers:

  • Symbol, Number of Shares, and Exchange (optional) of each Stock and/or US Mutual Fund to transfer;
  • Symbol, Number of Shares, Strike (optional), Put/Call (optional), and Expiration Date (optional) of each Warrant to transfer;
  • CUSIP Number and Aggregate Face Value of each US Bond to transfer;
  • Underlying Symbol, Number of Contracts, Position (long or short), Strike, Put or Call, and Expiration Date of each Option to transfer.
Account Transfer on Notification (ATON)
  • Name of Third-Party Bank or Broker;
  • Third-Party Bank or Broker Account Number.

In addition, for partial ATON transfers:

  • Symbol, Number of Shares, and Exchange (optional) of each Stock and/or Canadian Stock to transfer;
  • Symbol, Number of Shares, Strike (optional), Put/Call (optional), and Expiration Date (optional) of each Warrant to transfer;
  • Underlying Symbol, Number of Contracts, Position (long or short), Strike, Put or Call, and Expiration Date of each Option and/or Canadian Option to transfer.
US Futures Asset Transfer

From your Interactive Brokers Account Application:

  • Interactive Brokers Account ID;
  • User Name;
  • Account Title;
  • Address;
  • Social Security Number or Tax ID Number on Account;
  • Email Address.

From the account to be transferred to your Interactive Brokers account:

  • Name of Brokerage Firm Currently Holding Your Account;
  • Address;
  • City/State/Zip;
  • Account Owner Name(s);
  • Account Number.

In addition, for partial transfers:

  • Description and quantity of each asset to be transferred.
European Asset Transfer

From your Interactive Brokers Account Application

  • Interactive Brokers Account ID;
  • User Name;
  • Account Title;
  • Account Type;
  • Address;
  • Social Security Number or Tax ID Number on Account (US residents only).

From the account to be transferred to your Interactive Brokers account:

  • Name of Bank/Brokerage Firm Currently Holding Your Account;
  • Address;
  • City/State/Zip;
  • Name of Contact Person at Bank/Broker;
  • Account Owner Name(s);
  • Account Number.

For partial transfers:

  • Symbol, Description, Quantity, and ISIN number of each asset to be transferred.
Asian Asset Transfer
  • Summary and country of origin/exchange of each asset to transfer.

What You Need - Application

In addition to your name, address and phone number, you will need the following information to complete the Broker Account Application:

Partnership or Corporation
  • Exchanges of which you are a member;
  • Estimated number of retail and institutional customer accounts;
  • Estimated total customer debits and credits, expressed in US dollars;
  • Your Tax Identification Number;
  • Estimated Net Worth (excluding value of residence).
  • Estimated Liquid Net Worth (excluding value of residence);
  • Annual Net Income;
  • Total Assets;
  • Bank or third-party broker account numbers for funding purposes.

What You Need - Documents

In addition to the information that you will need to complete the Broker account application, you will be asked to provide the documents listed below.

Broker Applicants
Document Category Acceptable Documents (only one document per category is needed)
Proof of the firm's existence
The document must clearly state the name of your firm.
  • Articles of Incorporation;
  • Partnership Agreement;
Proof of your firm's tax or other government-issued identification number
  • Canada or Other Government Tax Form· Financial Statement;
  • Other Government-issued Document.
Financial Statements
  • The firm's most recent audited financial statements.
Regulatory Financial Reports
  • Copy of the Annual Questionnaire or Form 1 (most recent) submitted to Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) over the past 12 months.
Firm Disciplinary History
  • A copy of the disciplinary history of the firm and its officers, including any enforcement actions, disciplinary proceedings or other regulatory actions, proceedings or settlements involving the firm and its officers;
  • If the firm has no disciplinary history, you may provide a signed statement on the firm's letterhead and signed by an officer of the firm stating that neither the firm nor its officers have ever been subject to any disciplinary history or enforcement proceeding of any kind.

What You Need - Funding

During the funding step in the account application, you will need to provide us with additional information, which varies depending on the funding method you choose.

Funding Method What You Need
Wire Transfer
  • Amount of intended deposit;
  • Bank Name;
  • Bank Account Number (optional).
Canadian Bill Payment
  • Amount of intended deposit;
  • Bank Name.
Canadian EFT
  • Bank's three-digit Institution Number;
  • Five-digit Bank Transit Number, and
  • Your Bank Account Number